The Diversity Maturity Model
In 2008,
the Business Disability Forum (BDF) launched The Technology Taskforce, a Partner initiative which brings together some of the world’s largest procurers and suppliers of Information Communication Technologies (ICT). The Technology Taskforce enables accessibility technologies to maximizes talent management, productivity, new product development, customer access and brand reputation. A self-assessment Accessibility Maturity Model (AMM) tool will enable your organization to identify and plan key policies for accessible and usable technologies.
The Smart City Digital Inclusion Maturity Model
The Smart City Digital Inclusion Maturity Model is a tool to help cities worldwide assess and benchmark their level of digital inclusion and Information Communications Technology (ICT) accessibility. The Maturity Model helps clearly evaluate progress towards achieving ICT accessibility and digital inclusion across a broad range of functions that are important to all cities, like procurement, training, and standards, etc. It defines key performance indicators and metrics to support advancing accessibility and digital inclusion. It lays out 5 distinct levels of maturity for digital inclusion and accessibility progress across multiple dimensions that are important to all Smart Cities, i.e. technology, data, culture, strategy, and governance. The Smart City Digital Inclusion Maturity Model supports the development of roadmaps and strategies to grow and mature a city’s commitment to and capabilities on digital inclusion.
The Open Organization Maturity Model
The Open Organization Maturity Model is a framework for helping your organization to become more transparent, inclusive, adaptable, collaborative, and communal. Openness is becoming increasingly central to the ways groups and teams of all sizes are working together to achieve shared goals. Today, the most forward-thinking organizations are embracing openness as a necessary orientation toward success.
Now, it is time to consider your action plan to start your organization on the road to building an inclusive culture.
AODA Alliance: A Practical Guide to the Duty to Accommodate People with Disabilities
Accessibility Vendor Directory – Empowering digital accessibility for businesses