Integration: From Passive To Active

Active Is Inclusive

  • Integration: Assimilation within Social, economic and identity interpenetration.
  • The Digital Divide: From passive to active (Active is inclusive).
  • The Barriers: Inclusive dialogs and active participation (Innovation, Availability, Affordability).
  • Designing For Integration: Assuming you have access to the information and able to act independently upon your options, are you an active participant or a passive observer?

The Design Challenge

Is accommodating the same as integrating? Are you prevented from actively participating in activities due to the availability and affordability of technology?
Government open and transparent processes encourage citizens to participate in online forums and consultation sessions, but for the most part marginalized groups are not included in the mainstream dialog. Service organizations often function as a facilitator for disabled people to accommodate government and business communication processes, as the voice of their constituents. Should innovative emerging technologies despite their imperfections be made available to organizations to support the digital communication needs of blind persons, as part of infrastructure upgrades. We have smart devices and artificial intelligent services that could be integrated into the design of buildings and transit, but are designers aware of the digital communication needs of blind persons?

Additional Resources